Clean Eating for Kids

For over a year now, I’ve been committed to a mostly clean eating lifestyle. My initial goal was to shed the lingering post-pregnancy weight from my second daughter, but I soon discovered that the results extended beyond the physical. Not only did I experience improved health and vitality, but so did my family as we all began to develop better habits and attitudes towards food. Initially, I ate separately from my family as I embraced this new lifestyle, but eventually, I realized that everyone should be included in this journey. With this newfound understanding, I was able to incorporate healthy choices into our collective meals, creating positive changes for us all in our relationship with food.

What is Clean Eating?

Clean eating is an approach to nutrition that focuses on avoiding processed foods and eating real, whole food. This style of eating can be thought of as a modern-day version of the traditional diet, allowing us to enjoy the benefits of a nutritious diet without compromising taste or convenience.

Avoiding Processed Foods

One essential component of clean eating is avoiding processed foods. While these items often provide convenience and make meal preparation easier, they are usually filled with refined sugar, unhealthy fats, preservatives and artificial additives, all of which can have adverse effects on our health. Instead, opt for more natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and healthy fats.

Eliminating Refined Sugars

Another way to enjoy the benefits of clean eating is by eliminating refined sugars. Refined or processed sugar tends to contain fewer nutrients and higher amounts of empty calories than regular sugar, as well as potentially negative health implications when consumed in excess. Therefore, it’s important to regulate the amount of refined sugar you consume on a daily basis.

Eating Real, Whole Foods

The best way to ensure optimal nutritional benefit from your meals is to choose real, whole foods. Make sure to shop the perimeter of the grocery store to find fresh produce, raw nut butter, organic dairy products, and lean sources of protein. Avoid additives and preservatives while selecting items that have minimal ingredients listed on the label. Additionally, focus on reducing meal portions and incorporating plenty of plant-based foods into meals.

By following these guidelines, you can make sure that you’re getting the most out of every bite and nourishing your body with the highest quality ingredients. Clean eating provides the perfect balance between flavor and nutrition – so why not give it a try?

Embarking on a journey towards clean eating can be deeply rewarding, and it has nothing to do with weight loss. It is all about striving for optimal health and wellness, opting for slower, simpler foods that are more natural and nourishing. Eating clean can help improve one’s digestion, mood, sleep quality, energy levels, mental clarity, and immunity, in addition to aiding in weight loss if that is an ultimate goal. With this in mind, it is important to understand the benefits of eating clean and the essential steps to take for the successful adoption of this lifestyle.

Clean Eating with the Whole Family?

As a parent, I understand the concerns that come with feeding our children well. It can be difficult to transition them away from processed foods like mac and cheese and chicken nuggets towards healthier options. That’s why I’m here to provide some tips on making this transition easier. Let’s start by assuming that we all want the best for our family and are doing our best to ensure they get it.

One thing to bear in mind is that meals don’t have to be overly complicated or time-consuming to be nutritious. In fact, there are plenty of healthy options that are just as quick and easy to prepare as mac and cheese or chicken nuggets. Start by introducing your kids to ingredients they may not be familiar with, such as quinoa, kale, or chickpeas. You can also try incorporating them into dishes they already know and love, like adding diced vegetables to their favorite pasta dish or swapping out ground beef in tacos for lentils.

It’s also important to make meals enjoyable for your children. Involve them in choosing recipes, grocery shopping, and preparing the food so that they learn about where food comes from and how to cook it. This will foster a lifelong appreciation of healthy eating habits.

Finally, remember to give yourself credit for the work you’re putting into providing healthy meals for your family. You should feel proud of yourself for making an effort to feed your children well. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your children grow up with a balanced relationship with food and develop long-term healthy eating habits.

Transitioning your child to clean eating.

Make one meal for dinner.  People often think that as a parent, they have to make multiple meals to satisfy the needs of everyone in their family. But if you want to reduce the chaos of dinner time, try making one meal for everyone. With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with meals that are both clean and family-friendly. Of course, not every dish will be a hit, but it’s a trial-and-error process that is manageable with some patience and dedication. Don’t forget to supplement the meal with some filling options like yogurt, cheese, beans, or other snacks, so your kids can eat something before bedtime.

Eat together as a family. Studies have shown that regular mealtime together can help to create emotional closeness between parents and children, as well as foster respect and appreciation for family time. Additionally, it provides a great opportunity for kids to try new foods, as they may feel more comfortable doing so when surrounded by their loved ones. Furthermore, it is also beneficial for teaching children how to properly eat at the table over the long term.

However, not every mealtime will be peaceful and without strife. It’s important to remember that young children are still learning how to sit and behave at the table, so it is perfectly acceptable to give them breaks if needed. With patience and understanding, both adults and children can learn to appreciate the benefits of eating together as a family.

Feed them the good stuff at their hungry times. This past summer, I identified a consistent time of day when my children might be hungry: between 4:45 and 5 p.m. To make sure they were well-fed during these hours, I would prepare an assortment of nutritious snacks for them. I ensured that these snacks included healthy options such as cheese, carrots with hummus, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, or whatever was ripe in our vegetable garden. Knowing that my children would likely be extremely hungry at this point of the day proved to be immensely beneficial in encouraging them to eat more nutritiously. Not only did this help me to ensure that they stayed healthy, but also to cultivate their taste for nutritious foods and hopefully foster healthier practices in the future.

Stop buying snacky foods. If you want to make healthier choices for yourself and your family, it is time to stop buying snacks. Although it can be tempting to reach for the Goldfish crackers, this isn’t the best choice if you’re looking to lose weight. Instead of indulging in empty calories, get creative with healthier options. A few ideas include apple slices, homemade yogurt pouches filled with plain yogurt and local honey, or homemade popsicles made with coconut milk or plain yogurt and pureed fruit. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding in some spinach to your pouches or Popsicles – chances are your kids won’t even know! Eating healthier doesn’t have to be a chore; making some simple swaps can help you create nutritious snacks that everyone enjoys.

Make it work for the whole family.  My family has found great success in following the 80/20 rule when it comes to our nutrition. We ensure that our meals are made with real, whole foods 80% of the time, giving ourselves the flexibility to indulge in treats and snacks 20% of the time. By managing our nutritional intake in this way, we can be sure that our kids are getting all the nutrients they need while still allowing them to enjoy the occasional biscuit or slice of cake.

My friend Tosha, a certified nutritionist, is a perfect example of the positive effects this approach can have on children’s diets. Despite raising a toddler, she manages to maintain her commitment to eating real food all the time – even going as far as introducing her young one to unusual items like liver and bone broth! It goes to show that with forethought and care, you can provide your family with healthy, balanced meals all through the week.

Eating clean can be a great addition to any family’s lifestyle. It requires a bit of extra effort, but the rewards for doing so are well worth it. By prioritizing nutritious, whole foods, you’ll be able to easily build healthy eating habits that will benefit each family member for years to come. Additionally, by incorporating some unique ingredients or recipes into your meal plan, you may find yourself having even more fun in the kitchen with your family. All in all, with some patience and dedication, you can transition to a diet full of clean, nourishing foods that everyone will love.

Family-Friendly Clean Eating Meals