I’m not usually one to make resolutions or even really write down goals for myself. While I have goals, I never actually sit down and write them out, at least not in any “official” format. I have TONS of lists of things to accomplish, things I want to do, things I have to do…but I never sit down and write out goals that I want to work towards for myself. This year I am taking part in “12 in 2015”. I’ve identified 12 goals that I want to work on this year that are important to me and I will update my progress on them here as I go. Since I am a person who needs to be held accountable in order to get anything done, I thought that by posting my goals for all to see, as well as my progress, I might have a greater chance at sticking with this. And who knows, maybe I’ll even accomplish something!
So, after much thought, here goes (in no particular order)!
So that’s it.
At the end of every month, I am going to write a (brief!!) post to update on my progress with the goals.I’m looking forward to working on these and feel like I finally identified the things that are most important to me. I better get started though, January is already half way over!