Working & Homeschooling

It takes a lot of hard work and planning if you plan to homeschool your children while working a job either at home or outside of the home.  Nevertheless, if you are truly convinced that homeschooling is the best alternative for your children’s education, you will be able to make it work.

Not every homeschool mother is a stay-at-home mom who doesn’t earn a paycheck.  While it will take some hard work and planning, you can work while homeschooling your children.  In fact, there are actually a lot of mothers who are doing both of these things today.

Some of the most common professions for these mothers to work in include writing, publishing, nursing and being a business owner.  If you should happen to need to join the likes of these mothers, there are some tips that you will want to keep in mind so that it will be easier for you to combine work and homeschooling.

Explore Work At Home Jobs

You may want to look into some ways in which you can work from home.  If you choose to do this, you will want to designate a room for homeschooling and another room that is close by for your office so that you will be able to keep an eye on your children.  It is also a good idea to try to find work where you don’t have to have clients coming to your home.  This way you won’t have to worry about your children either being a distraction or feeling as though you are ignoring them.

There are a lot of enterprising mothers who have been able to work from home.  They do everything from freelancing to running a small business while homeschooling their children at the same time.  Of course, this is probably easier to do whenever your children are older because they will also be more self-directed at that point but it can also work if you have young children, it will just take a bit more on your part.

Consider Getting An Evening Job

If you have the energy and the organizational skills, then you may want to think about homeschooling your children during the day then working at night (i.e. the nursing professions is a great career for homeschool moms since it will allow you the flexibility of working at night and on weekends too if you’d like).

This works especially well if you are married because then your spouse will be able to be at home with your children while you’re at work.  Just make sure that you tell your husband what you’ve taught your children throughout the day so that he will be able to help them study and do any assignments that you have left for them to complete.  One of the benefits of having this type of “changing of the guards” is that both parents will be involved in their children’s homeschool education.


Networking with other working moms that homeschool is also important.  There are online forums that will help you do this.  While a lot of the moms that you will find on these forums do work from home, you will still be able to get ideas for managing your time so that you can homeschool while working.  Another great place to look for such advice is from local homeschooling groups.

The Benefit Of A Large Family

One of the benefits of having a large family is that you can have your older children help your younger children while you take some time for your work at home business or to get some rest before going to work that night.  Not only will this help you but it will also help your older children too as they will be able to gain confidence in their ability to teach.

Budget Your Time

If you plan to work, either at home or at a brick and mortar job, it is important for you to learn how to budget your time.  In order to do this you will need to:

  • Record all of your activities for at least one week.  This will help you to see just how much time you are wasting, which is probably more than you even realize.  Once you take note of this you will be able to trim your schedule of any unnecessary activities.  This will in turn help you to see that you actually have more time than you had originally thought.
  • Create a housework schedule.  Make sure that you get all of your family members involved in this so that you’re not doing all of the housework yourself.  The best way in which to do this is to assign jobs to each of your family members.  You will also want to set aside a certain day each week for running errands.  Also, simplify jobs.  For instance, instead of dusting and vacuuming every room in your home, only attend to those rooms that really need to be cleaned.

Decide What ‘s Really Important

While you may need to help bring home a paycheck, it may also be financially feasible for you to stay home, without working at all.  In that case you should consider the importance of being a fulltime, stay at home, homeschooling mother.  Realize that this is not something that you will be doing for the rest of your life.  Talk to some satisfied mothers who have decided to undertake this role and you will see that it really is worth the time and effort.

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