Is homeschooling right for your family?

This is a guest post from my good friend, Melanie Bacon, who homeschools her kids in Austin TX.

My parents were public school educators. For my husband and me, public schools were ideal. Now that we’ve young kids, we’ve found ourselves questioning if schools are the best area for our children. We’re at a crossroads with one of our girls deciding which approach to instruction is greatest for him, and it’s tough; I’ll tell you’. There are pros and cons to either side of the fence.

Here in Central TX, our school system isn’t understood to be broken” that is “as many other areas of the country assert theirs to be. I believe there are affected districts or private schools in the region with top ranking schools to which I could send my kids….however, it begs the question…“What just is my occupation as a parent concerning my child’s instruction?”

And this is what I’ve gathered so far. My role as a parent will be to raise my children to be the finest individuals they can be in the broadest range possible. My job is really to shield my child from circumstances that could leave repercussions or long-lasting and harmful effects. My occupation would be to let my kid to learn everything and anything they want. My occupation is to educate in them a compassionate attitude towards others. My occupation is to enable my children to do things for themselves.

When attempting to fulfill those parental obligations listed above, could some things maybe be attained at the expense of something else? Possibly. But I don’t believe it has to be a scenario that is either/or” that is .“ In my research thus far, I think that stigma is dated. Over the past decade, there’s been progress and a tremendous cultural shift in homeschooling alternatives.

And as for other positions against homeschooling nicely, I believe many of those are unfounded provided that you are trying your most challenging as a parent to promote learning, socialization, utilizing resources, etc.

Austin seo agency contributor and homeschooling mom, Amber Kromwell balances in on the issue well:

“I spent soo much time attempting to pick a school for my boys. Our house and neighborhood were determined based on the school I wanted. For the most part I ‘m happy with my pick…there are things I prefer were different, but my sons have been provided with marvelous teachers, friends, and an overall great experience. But if at any time I become really sad with our school I WOn’t hesitate to pull them out and homeschool them. Those are not matters of mine, although I know the stereotypes with homeschooling. I enjoy that homeschooling is gaining popularity and widely accepted. There are so many institutions that are not all that amazing and I am over the top picky. My best mate homeschools and is going on her 3rd year, she and her kiddos LOVE it and are prospering! They do’t miss out on social activities either… because they’ve the time they are involved in more than my kids. They do’t have any of the stereotypes” that is “, and my best friend has done an incredible job up to now. She’ll keep rocking it until her kids decide they need a change. Do what is best for them and each family has to weigh out each choice. That’s for them to find out, although I definitely believe some people are cut out for it and, others are’t. Our occupation as mothers will be to do what we feel is best regardless of what others think!”

This post isn’t to endorse homeschooling or not. It’s mostly to start a conversation. The dialogue I consider is underway with many of our Austin Moms Site readers. And if we do this, then we can study it done at the end of the day.

Every parent in the US, who has a young child, has the decision to make. It’s a choice that can determine a kid’s destiny. A child can be taught in one of three manners.

    • Public School
    • Conventional Private School
    • Summer Camps help with child socialization
    • Homeschool

Think about that any parent can not avoid this resolution, and there are just three options.

The worst mistake I decided on something of monumental significance in an unconscious, reckless, careless, and care-free fashion without reflection, meditation, and patience. Considering your kid’s destiny depends on upon the decision you make for his or her instruction and contemplating that your son is more very important to you than anything in the world… how do you make a sensible and informed decision when choosing between the three options that are educational?

While most folks are very knowledgeable about educational options #1 and #2 (public school and private school), not many people realize the true nature of homeschooling. Why? I believe that to comprehend fully the power of homeschooling you have to be a homeschooler.

There are some things in life you can just understand through experience.

I could talk for hours mentioning every detail of the odor, but you’d have absolutely no idea what the rose indeed smells like unless you smelled one.

Let’s expand this analogy. If you’ve never homeschooled before you’ve heard is a description of how a rose smells. I challenge you to pick a rose, to walk into the garden, close your eyes, and smell the rose yourself.



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