Need a Game to Play While Waiting in Line?

Pass the time with these fun games to play while waiting in line!

Waiting in line can be a frustrating experience, especially when you’re in a hurry and have somewhere important to be. Instead of getting bored and restless, why not make the most of this time by playing some fun games? Whether you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, the bank, or the DMV, there are plenty of games you can play to pass the time. These games not only help to make the wait more enjoyable but also help to keep your mind active and engaged.

In this post, we’ll share with you some of the most fun games to play while waiting in line, so you’ll never be bored again. From classic games like “I Spy” and “20 Questions” to modern apps and trivia games, we’ve got you covered!

Classic games to play while waiting in line

When it comes to waiting in line, sometimes the classic games are the best. They require no equipment, just a little bit of imagination and some willing participants. Here are a few classic games to help pass the time:

I Spy

A game that can be played with just two people, I Spy is a classic game that can be played anywhere. One person picks an object within sight and says “I spy with my little eye, something that is (insert color).” The other person then has to guess what the object is within a certain number of guesses.

I Spy with my little eye... Listen to the letter and find the object. (Word Game for Kids) - YouTube
image via youtube

20 Questions

Another classic game that requires no equipment. One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and the rest of the group has to ask yes or no questions to try and guess what it is. The catch is that they only have 20 questions to figure it out.

Simon Says

A game that has been around for decades, Simon Says is a classic game that can be played anywhere. One person is designated as “Simon” and gives commands starting with “Simon says.” The other players have to follow the command only if “Simon says” is included. If “Simon” gives a command without saying “Simon says” and a player follows it, they are out.

Simon Says Song for Children (Official Video) by Miss Patty - YouTube
image via youtube


A game that can be played with just two people, Hangman is a classic game that requires just a pen and paper. One person thinks of a word and draws dashes for each letter. The other person then guesses letters, and if they are correct, they are filled in. If they are incorrect, a body part is added to the “hangman,” and if the entire body is drawn before the word is guessed, the game is over.

Phone games to play while waiting in line

When waiting in line, phone games are a great way to pass the time and keep yourself entertained. There are countless phone games available on both Android and iOS devices that are perfect for killing time while waiting in line.

Candy Crush Saga

One popular phone game is Candy Crush Saga, a puzzle game that challenges players to match various candies and complete different objectives.

Game over for Gameboy: Candy Crush Saga named most popular app on the planet as mobile game sales outstrip handheld consoles for first time
image via The Independent

Words With Friends

Another favorite is Words With Friends, a mobile version of the classic board game Scrabble that allows you to play with friends or random opponents from around the world.


Looking for a more relaxing experience? There are plenty of mobile games that fit the bill. One such game is Gardenscapes, where players get to design and restore a beautiful garden with exciting challenges and hidden objects to discover along the way.

All Gardens completed. Full game tour. Playrix Gardenscapes. - YouTube
image via youtube


If you want to get your brain working while waiting in line, then Sudoku is the perfect game for you. This classic number game has been around for years and has a massive following of players who enjoy the challenge of completing the grid.

Subway Surfers

Looking for a more action-packed experience? There are plenty of mobile games that offer fast-paced gameplay. One such game is Subway Surfers, where players take on the role of a graffiti artist who must evade the clutches of a grumpy inspector and his dog as they run and jump their way through the subway system.

Subway Surfers (2023)
image via youtube

Group games to play while waiting in line

Waiting in line can be tedious and boring, especially if you’re alone. However, you can make the most of it by playing group games with your friends or other people waiting in line with you. These games not only make the time fly by, but they can also be a great way to bond with others.

Two Truths and a Lie

If you’re waiting in line with friends, you can also try playing “Two Truths and a Lie.” This game involves each person coming up with two true statements and one false statement about themselves, and then the others have to guess which statement is the lie. It’s a great way to get to know each other better and have some laughs while you wait.

Weekend TODAY team plays '2 Truths and a Lie'

In this game, each person takes turns sharing three statements about themselves – two of which are true and one of which is false. The other players then have to guess which statement is the lie. image via

The Alphabet Game

Another game that’s perfect for waiting in line is “The Alphabet Game.” This game involves taking turns going through the alphabet and coming up with words that start with each letter. For example, the first person might say “apple,” and then the next person would say “banana,” and so on. It’s a simple game, but it can be surprisingly addictive.

In this game, the first person starts by saying a word that starts with the letter “A.” The second person then has to say a word that starts with the letter “B,” and so on. The catch is that each word has to be related to a specific category, such as food, animals, or movies. image via facebook

Never Have I Ever

In this game, one person starts by saying “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done before. The other players then have to say whether they have or haven’t done that thing. This game can be a great way to get to know the people around you and can lead to some interesting and funny conversations.

Ladies Night Games Never Have I Ever Printable Game - Etsy
image via etsy

Creative games to play while waiting in line

Waiting in line can be a tedious and frustrating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Why not make the most of your downtime by playing some creative games to pass the time? There are plenty of simple and fun games you can play on your own or with friends to make the wait more enjoyable.

Heads Up!

Heads Up! is so much fun it’ll make you go, “Whoa!” With this awesome app, your friends and you will be squealing with glee in no time. Just stick the phone on your forehead and try to guess what you are using their clues! Whether you’re trying to figure out ‘Apple’ or ‘Cheetah’, the laughter won’t stop coming as your buddies shout out hints like ‘tastes sweet’, ‘has spots’, ‘red’, etc. The excitement builds until finally you get it right and an eruption of cheers follows! And with tons of levels and categories, the fun never ends. So grab your friends and get ready for some rip-roaring hilarity – it’s Heads Up! time!

Download the Free Heads Up! Game | Download this App Today!
image via

20 Questions

One classic game to play is “20 Questions.” This game involves one person thinking of an object, and then the other person has to ask yes or no questions to try and guess what the object is. It’s a great way to pass the time and exercise your brain.

Create Your Own Story

Take turns with your friends and family inventing and telling stories. Each person has to add one paragraph at a time until the story comes to an exciting conclusion.

Or Invent a Story: Let your creativity take over by inventing a story based on what’s happening in the queue around you. Who are the people involved? What’s the conflict? How does it all get resolved? This is a great activity for those looking to flex their writing muscles!

Play a Guessing Game

Try to guess the people in line ahead of you. Think about what kind of activities they might be doing or where they might be going. See if your guesses are right when they reach the front of the line!

Word Association

This game can be played with any number of people, so it’s great if you’re waiting in line with friends or strangers. Start by saying a random word. The next person should repeat what you said, then add another word related to it. Continue going around the group until everyone has had a few turns or until you reach the front of the line!

Games to play while waiting in line at Disney

Are you stuck in an interminably long line at Disney?

Standing in Line at Disney
image via

Don’t despair! Instead, why not make the most of your wait by playing some fun games? Here are a few of our favorites:

  1. Disney Name Game: Who can name the most Disney characters in 60 seconds? Each person takes turns naming as many characters as they can think of, with points given for each one. The player with the highest score wins!
  2. Memory Games: Test your memory by designing a game around things you spot in line. For example, the first to remember three objects spotted wins!
  3. Disney Movie Maze: Can you figure out which movie each character is from? Challenge your friends to find out who knows their Disney movies best!
  4. Name That Tune: Music makes everything better! Try to name as many Disney songs as possible before reaching the front of the line.
  5. Disney Trivia: How much do you really know about the House of Mouse? Put your Disney trivia knowledge to the test and see who comes out on top.
  6. I Spy: It’s a classic for a reason – I Spy is great for entertaining boredom! Pick an object in the queue, and one person has to guess it with clues about what they see.
  7. Theme Park Guess Who: Take turns showing each other a picture of someone from inside the park and guess who it is. See if you can get through all the pictures without peeking!
  8. Draw Something: If you’ve got paper and something to write with, why not have some creative fun? One person draws something while the others try to guess what it is.

Adapting games to Available Space

When waiting in line, you may be limited in terms of space and movement. This means that you’ll need to adapt your games to the space available. For example, if you’re waiting in a small space, games that require a lot of movement may be difficult to play. Instead, consider games that involve memory or trivia. These games can be easily played with just a small amount of space and don’t require any physical activity.

If you’re waiting in a larger space, games that involve movement, such as charades or Simon Says, can be great fun. These games are perfect for getting people moving and can help pass the time quickly.

Another way to adapt games to the space available is to consider the number of players. If you’re waiting in line alone, games that require multiple players may not be possible. Instead, consider games that can be played alone, such as Sudoku or crossword puzzles.

Rules for playing games in public places

And now for the mom part of the advice…

Playing games while waiting in line can be a fun way to pass the time, but it’s important to make sure that you’re not disturbing those around you. While most games are harmless, some may inadvertently cause inconvenience to others, so it’s important to establish some rules before you start playing.

  • Be considerate of others! This means keeping noise levels down, avoiding games that require excessive movement or space, and making sure that your game doesn’t interfere with the flow of the line.
  • Keep your games appropriate for public spaces! Avoid games that involve inappropriate language or actions, or that could be considered offensive or insensitive.
  • Keep your games clean and tidy! This means avoiding games that could create a mess, or that could damage property or belongings.

Strategies for avoiding boredom while waiting in line

Waiting in line can be a tedious task and can often seem like a waste of time. However, there are several strategies you can use to avoid boredom while waiting in line. Here are a few tips to help you pass the time:

  1. Engage in small talk with other people in line – this can be a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
  2. Bring a book or a magazine – reading is a great way to pass the time and can also be a great way to learn something new.
  3. Play games on your phone – there are many games you can download on your phone that can keep you entertained while waiting in line.
  4. Listen to music or a podcast – listening to your favorite music or podcast can be a great way to pass the time and make waiting in line more enjoyable.
  5. People watch – observing other people in line can be a fun and interesting way to pass the time.
  6. Bring a puzzle or a brain teaser – solving puzzles or brain teasers can be a great way to challenge your mind and keep you entertained while waiting in line.

Final thoughts.

In conclusion, waiting in line can be a frustrating experience, but it doesn’t have to be! By playing games, you can make the waiting time more enjoyable and even pass the time quickly. From classic games like 20 Questions and I Spy to newer games like Heads Up and Trivia Crack, there are endless options to choose from. You can also use your phone and download games like Candy Crush, or even try out augmented reality games like Pokemon Go.

But remember, while playing games can make waiting in line more enjoyable, it’s important to also be respectful of those around you. Keep the noise level down, and be aware of your surroundings to ensure that you’re not causing any disruptions or inconveniences to others.
So next time you find yourself waiting in line, try out one of these fun games and see how quickly time flies by!

We hope you enjoyed our article on fun games to play while waiting in line. No one likes to wait in line, but with these games, you can make the time go by quickly and have some fun while doing it! Whether you’re waiting at the grocery store, theme park, or DMV, these games are sure to keep you and your friends entertained. Next time you’re waiting in line, why not give one of these games a try? Thank you for reading, and we hope these games make your next-line experience a little more enjoyable!