Fudge Recipes

Cream Fudge
Four cupfuls brown sugar
One-fourth cupful corn syrup
Two cupfuls sweet cream or rich milk
(If evaporated milk is used, make it one third water)
The corn syrup may be omitted if desired.

Put all the ingredients into the kettle, put over the fire, and stir constantly. Put the thermometer in when it
begins to boil, and see that the bulb is entirely covered. ove the thermometer, and stir all over the bottom of
the kettle to prevent burning. When the thermometer registers exactly 234°, remove the kettle from the fire, and keep beating with the spoon until the syrup begins to get creamy and thicker, add the vanilla, and turn out on the marble slab (See “Getting Marble Slab Ready”) or on an oiled platter. When it begins to harden, mark it off in squares.

Chocolate Fudge
Use the recipe for cream fudge, but should you want to reduce the cost, water may be substituted for the cream. Proceed exactly as for cream fudge, and boil it to the same degree. When it is beaten to a cream, add enough grated chocolate to make it the desired color. The temperature of the fudge will readily melt the chocolate, and it will be found that fudge made in this manner will be better than when the chocolate is cooked with the sugar.

Chocolate Nut Fudge
Use the recipe for cream fudge, and add the chocolate as directed in chocolate fudge. Have the pan or slab upon which you intend pouring the fudge covered with nut meats, and pour the fudge on them. When it is cold, mark in squares, and saw or cut with a sharp knife by drawing it back and forth in a sawing motion. In this way the nuts will be cut through, and the surface of the candy will be smooth.

Maple Fudge
Four cupfuls maple sugar
One-half cupful corn syrup
One pint rich milk

Put all the ingredients in the kettle, and place it over the fire. Stir constantly, put the thermometer in when it
begins to boil, and cook until the thermometer registers 236°, or if you desire the fudge harder, cook to 240°.
Remove from the fire and keep stirring until it gets creamy, then turn out on the slab (See “Getting Marble Slab Ready”) or oiled platter.

Maple Fruit Fudge
Use the maple fudge recipe (the corn syrup may be omitted), and just before turning the beaten fudge out on the slab, stir into it some minced candied cherries or other candied fruit. A combination of candied fruits and nuts added to this fudge make delicious candy.

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