All About Kids and Kombucha

If you’ve got kids and you drink kombucha, they’ve probably asked if they can have a sip. Whether you gave them some or not, you probably paused, wondering if it was okay for kids to drink it. Well, if you’ve got questions about kids and kombucha you’ve come to the right place.

Kombucha is an ancient fermented beverage made from tea, sugar, and bacteria cultures. It has been linked to many potential health benefits in adults, such as boosting immunity and aiding digestion. While kombucha may have some beneficial properties, the drink also contains alcohol and natural acids, which can harm young bodies. For this reason, it is generally recommended that kids avoid drinking kombucha until age eight or older.

It is also important to check the label of any kombucha product before giving it to a child. Many commercial varieties are pasteurized to reduce alcohol content and make them safe for children. However, unpasteurized varieties with higher alcohol content should still be avoided in children under 8.

Can kids drink kombucha?

While some kombucha does contain alcohol, most kombucha purchased without the need for an ID is safe to give to children (as long as they are interested in drinking it). You should stick with store-bought versions instead of homemade so that you have a better sense of alcohol content and safety. Any kombucha that passes a certain percentage of alcohol content at any time during production is regulated.

Kombucha, Tea, Japan, Brown Tea

Some people recommend letting a child drink their age in ounces per day. Be sure to offer it to your child in small doses to ensure it doesn’t upset their tummy!

How about babies?

It is not recommended to give babies under one kombucha. Just as you would not give a baby honey, due to the risks of the  raw format, you don’t want to give a baby without a developed immune system kombucha. The bacteria that are part of the production of the beverage can pose a risk. Hold off a little bit longer and they’ll be ready to drink it when they’re older!

Does it have health benefits for kids?

Kombucha boasts many benefits but experts offer mixed reviews when it comes to benefits for kids. While many adults who drink it share anecdotal evidence that they have increased energy, a cleaner, healthier gut, and the ability to ward off illness better than those who don’t consume kombucha, there are not reliable studies on kids and the benefits of kombucha.

One study found that supplementation with kombucha improved children’s digestion and strengthened their immune systems. Researchers believe this is likely due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts in the fermented tea drink. LAB are known to play a role in aiding digestion and bolstering immunity, meaning that kombucha can help keep kids healthy in multiple ways.

Kombucha has also been linked to better concentration and improved overall mental performance in children. It contains high levels of B vitamins, which are important for maintaining healthy brain function. Additionally, kombucha’s probiotics can help regulate serotonin production and maintain a balance between relaxation and alertness. This can help kids stay focused during school or other activities.

Can you drink it when you’re pregnant?

While most kombucha is considered non-alcoholic, it can contain trace amounts of alcohol. It can also contain caffeine and is unpasteurized, leading experts to recommend that pregnant women pass on partaking.

While it’s probably a pain to pass on a favorite drink while you’re pregnant, just remember it’s only a few months! Kombucha is breastfeeding-safe, so you won’t have to hold off long after giving birth!

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